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Статистика. FNSB и город Fairbanks, AK по результатам переписи населения / Census 2010

Администратор Eve: Fairbanks North Star Borough 92 000 населения и город Fairbanks, AK 31 000 населения и прочие статистические данные по результатам переписи населения 2010 На 92 000 населения проживающих в пределах Фэрбекнс Норс Стар Боро насчитала 80 зарегистрированный организаций http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/PubApps/geoShowOrgs.php?id=C02090&code=C02090&v=cong . http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~akfairns/whatsnew.htm - интересные фото и факты о FNSB

Ответов - 19 новых

Администратор Eve: Перепись населения 2010 по США http://2010.census.gov/2010census/ очень занятный сайт.

Администратор Eve: http://www.co.fairbanks.ak.us/communityplanning/crc/ - статистические данные по FNSB

Администратор Eve: Перманентный фонд Аляски с цифрами

Администратор Eve: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/yearbook/2009/ois_yb_2009.pdf - 2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Office of Immigration Statistics. Homeland Security http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/publications/LPR10.shtm - Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2010

Администратор Eve: Американская семья - статистика Переписи 2010 - http://www.washprofile.org/ru/node/3824 Женитьба и дети По данным Бюро Переписи Населения США\US Census Bureau, ныне американка предполагает иметь двоих детей. Лишь у 10% современных женщин четверо и более детей - в 1976 году таких было 36%. Ежегодно 4 млн. американок производят на свет ребенка, причем около 420 тыс. из них девушки, не достигшие 19-летнего возраста, а около 100 тыс. - женщины старше 40 лет. Ныне в США примерно 9% постоянных пар проживают, не состоя в браке. Для сравнения, в Западной Европы этот показатель равен 30%. По данным Исследовательской Службы Конгресса США\Congressional Research Service, вступление, в брак дает мужу и жене право на получение более 400 преимуществ и 1.4 тыс. прав. Среди них права на пониженный уровень выплат при покупке совместных автомобильных и медицинских страховок, ряд налоговых льгот, право на усыновление детей, право на получение льготных кредитов на покупку недвижимости и т. д. Около четверти взрослых детей в возрасте от 30 до 34 постоянно живут с родителями или в последние годы временно вернулись пожить в родном доме (60% в возрасте 22-24 лет, 30% в возрасте 25-29 лет). 74% жителей США находятся в браке потому, что семья многое дает им - любовь, поддержку, дружбу, общение и пр. 25% заявили, что не уходят из семьи лишь потому, что существуют определенные барьеры препятствующие этому, например, общие дети или религиозные принципы. Лишь 1% американцев и американок заявили, что пребывают в браке лишь потому, что не могут найти достойной альтернативы имеющемуся супругу. Любопытно, что семейная жизнь благотворно отражается на продолжительности жизни и состоянии финансов. Для женатых\замужних жителей США шансы скоропостижно скончаться в два раза ниже, чем для их ровесников никогда не состоявших в браке. Если семья распадается в результате развода или смерти одного из супругов, то шансы оставшегося преждевременно уйти из жизни увеличиваются на 50%. Доход взрослых американцев, которые никогда не состояли в браке, на 63% ниже, чем у семейных (или разведенных) жителей США, обладающих аналогичным образованием или уровнем квалификации. Эти данные опубликовал исследовательский центр Heritage Foundation. Исследование службы Gallup показало, что 58% американцев считают, что у них достаточно времени для того, чтобы заниматься тем, чем им хочется. 44% опрошенных времени катастрофически не хватает. Любопытно, что наиболее страдают от недостатка времени родители. 59% жителей США, у которых есть несовершеннолетние дети, утверждают, что у них буквально нет ни одной свободной минуты. Среди бездетных американцев таких втрое меньше. Ныне в законодательствах всех 50-ти штатов США не уточнено - люди какого пола могут создавать семью, что дало возможность мэрам нескольких городов официально начать регистрировать браки гомосексуалистов и лесбиянок. Массачусетс стал вторым штатом США, законодатели которого разделили понятие "брака"\marriage и "гражданского союза"\civil union (первым был штат Вермонт). Де-факто, еще ряд штатов, например, Калифорния и Гавайи давали однополым парам возможность создавать "союзы". При этом, законодательство США по-разному относится к бракам и гражданским союзам. Например, члены "нормальных" семей могут получать налоговые бенефиты, а однополые семьи - не могут. Существуют лишь пять стран, где однополые семьи полностью приравнены к разнополым - это Швеция, Канада, Испания, Норвегия, Дания, Нидерланды и Бельгия. Германия легализовала гражданские союзы для однополых партнеров. Они имеют те же права, что обычные семьи, за исключением права усыновлять и удочерять детей. Опрос Pew Research Center for the People and Press показал, что 59% жителей США выступают против того, чтобы гомосексуалистам и лесбиянкам было разрешено ступать в брак. 32% выступают за подобные браки, у 9% нет определенного мнения на этот счет. При этом, 49% американцев выступают за то, чтобы представители сексуальных меньшинств могли образовывать гражданские союзы, которые предоставляют им примерно те же права, что и обычным семьям. 44% жителей США выступают и против подобного варианта легализации отношений однополых партнеров. У 7% респондентов нет определенного мнения. Эволюция семьи Редактор журнала The New Republic и автор книги Террор и Либерализм\Terror and Liberalism Пол Берман\Paul Berman сформулировал 10 наиболее значительных изменений, которые произошли в американской семейной жизни за последние полвека. Первое изменение - решение Верховного Суда США\US Supreme Court 1954 года, которое поставило вне закона расовую сегрегацию в системе образования. Это решение повлияло на все стороны жизни США, дав начало широкому движению за гражданские права. Второе изменение - процесс обретения американской женщиной новых прав в обществе, прежде всего возможности делать карьеру вне дома. Третье изменение - мужчина стал более свободным, благодаря тому, что у него возникла возможность более полно оценить таланты женщины. Четвертое изменение - мужчина и женщина стали свободнее. Они стали лучше реализовывать себя в любви, поскольку у них появилось больше свободы быть самими собой. Пятое изменение - родители стали более чувствительны и внимательны по отношению к особенностям и нуждам своих детей, в то время как прежде они требовали от детей слепого послушания. Шестое изменение - возникновение новой меры честности, которая потребовала от общества более жесткого отношения к такого рода преступлениям, как изнасилование. Седьмое изменение - изменившееся отношение к браку, молодые люди более не испытывают давления со стороны родителей и общества. Восьмое и девятое изменения - перемена отношения к сексуальным меньшинствам. В глазах большей части общества, нетрадиционная сексуальная ориентация перестала восприниматься, как извращение. Кроме того, права однополых пар стали признаваться на юридическом уровне. Десятое изменение - американское общество стало более терпимым. Статистика международных усыновлений В 2004 году, по данным Госдепартамента США\Department of State, американцы усыновили и удочерили 22 884 ребенка, являвшихся гражданами иных государств (для сравнения: 21 616 в 2003 году и 7 093 - в 1990-м). В 2004 году было усыновлено\удочерено 5 865 детей из России (второе место среди стран по общему числу усыновлений), 826 - из Казахстана (5-е место), 723 - из Украины (6-е место), 202 - из Беларуси (11-е место). Первое место занял Китай - 7 044. Для сравнения, Гватемала на 4-м месте (3 264), Южная Корея - на 4-м (1 716), Болгария - на 13-м (110), Польша - на 14-м (102), Нигерия - на 18-м (71), Бразилия и Таиланд - на 19-м (по 69 усыновлений). За последние три года тройка стран, в которых американцы усыновляют максимальное количество детей не претерпела изменений: Китай, Россия и Гватемала. В 2003 году из России в США перебралось 5 209 детей (4 939 в 2002 году). Из Казахстана - 823 (соответственно, 819), из Украины - 702 (1 106), из Беларуси - 191 (169). В 2003 году также было усыновлено 69 детей из Азербайджана. Примечание: данная статистика учитывает число выданных иммиграционных виз данной категории - нет гарантий, что этими визами воспользовались.

Администратор Eve: Интересные цифры по FNSB Ranked #31 Emerging Metropolitan Areas Ranked #85 Best Green Cities Interesting Facts about Fairbanks North Star Borough County As of 2012, Fairbanks North Star Borough County's population is 97,581 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 17.79 percent. -------------------- The median home cost in Fairbanks North Star Borough County is $196,800. Home appreciation the last year has been 0.77 percent. -------------------- Compared to the rest of the country, Fairbanks North Star Borough County's cost of living is 33.70% Higher than the U.S. average. -------------------- Fairbanks North Star Borough County public schools spend $5,579 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $5,691. There are about 41.4 students per teacher in Fairbanks North Star Borough County. -------------------- The unemployment rate in Fairbanks North Star Borough County is 6.30 percent (U.S. avg. is 8.60%). Recent job growth is Positive. Fairbanks North Star Borough County jobs have Increased by 2.11 percent. Average Commute time is 21 minutes. The National Average is 28 minutes. -------------------- Fairbanks North Star Borough County's Real Estate Market (click to see properties) • Newly Listed Homes • Most Expensive Listing • Million Dollar Houses • Homes from $750,001 to $1,000,000 • Homes from $500,001 to $750,000 • Homes from $250,000 to $500,000 • Homes under $250,000 • Median Priced Homes (живые ссылки на оригинальной странице http://www.bestplaces.net/county/alaska/fairbanks%20north%20star%20borough )

Администратор Eve: Badger Chena Ridge College Eielson AFB Ester Fairbanks Farmers Loop Fox Goldstream Harding-Birch Lakes Moose Creek North Pole Pleasant Valley Salcha South Van Horn Steele Creek Two Rivers http://www.bestplaces.net/find/state.aspx?state=AK&COUNTY=02090 POPULAR NEIGHBORHOODS IN FAIRBANKS City Center, Broadmoor, Westgate, Hamilton Acres, College, Near 21st Ave, George Parks Hwy / Trinidad Dr, Lemeta / Slaterville, Musk Ox / Dogpatch, Ester / Fox http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/fairbanks/ - Fairbanks, AK real estate and demographic information http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/fairbanks/schools/ - Fairbanks, AK Public Schools http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/fairbanks/rates/ - Fairbanks appreciation rates and housing market information http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/fairbanks/crime/ - Crime rates for Fairbanks, AK

Администратор Eve: Информация по школам в FNSB - http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/fairbanks/schools/

Администратор Eve: http://govsites.org/sites.cfm/alaska.html - Official County Websites of the Great State of Alaska

Администратор Eve: Часто повторяющиеся вопросы об Аляске http://home.gci.net/~dpharris/alaska_faq.htm How much does it cost to live in Alaska? Q. I have a possible lead on a position in Alaska. It is all very tentative right now, but I would like to know what life is like in Alaska especially along the coast (Juneau or Anchorage). I am very interested and would appreciate a response as soon as possible A. Expensive. I pay $785 for a 1 BR apt that is at the low end of "nice" (as compared to a dump), located a few blocks from downtown Juneau. Your basic 3 BR home is $150,000, a 2 BR mobile home is $40k, perhaps more if it's on a lot in a nicer trailer court, and there are no vacant trailer spaces. A basic 2 BR condo, when you can find one, is $60,000+. Juneau frequently has a minus vacancy rate (more people actively seeking apartments than there are units available) although we now have a real vacancy rate for the first time since the mid 80s. Basic bacon,2 egg, potato breakfast $7 Cup of coffee $1 Tall latte $3.29 Lean ground beef $2.79/lb. Tasteless tomatoes $1.89/lb Vine ripened hothouse tomatoes $2.89/lb New baby potatoes .99/lb* Local microbrew $6.99/6pak Fresh local king salmon $6.89/lb Fresh local halibut $4.89/lb Sirloin tip $3.29/lb* Green pepper $1.29/lb* Canned tuna $1.49* *prices are recent "sale" prices I ride a bicycle and rarely drive, so can't quote gas prices. Last time I filled up my mother's Subaru around Christmas it was about $18. If you make less than about $30,000 around here you're poor. The University of Alaska Extension Service performs a quarterly food cost survey that includes some utility rate information.

Администратор Eve: Сколько стоит построить кэбин в Аляске http://ask.metafilter.com/102490/What-would-it-take-to-make-a-cabin ================================= A couple of years ago I designed and built a 2-story 1000 sq ft house in the woods from scratch with my own two hands. That's about as cheap as you can do it. And the results were awesome; it can be done. My words of wisdom: - Sounds like you're in New York so there may be some real zoning issues. Where I am, the county doesn't care what you build. - Get a carpentry textbook and just study the chapter on framing. Learn how to frame a wall. That's the key skill you'll be using. If you intend to design a small cottage house you should get well versed in all of this. - A stud is 92 5/8". - Learn about nominal dimensions of wood and learn and memorize the ACTUAL dimensions of your garden variety 2x4s and 2x6s. This is a skill you'll need. - Don't put any more slope on your roof than you need. If the pitch is too high you're going to have a hell of a time working on it and may have to hire people to do it safely. - Most of the money will end up being spent on plywood (decking, sheathing, subfloors, etc). You may not want to cut corners here; plywood will hold up nicely in most weather as you find time to build the house; OSB and waferboard may fall apart. - Plan on bringing in electricity as early as you can. If you are able to saw all your wood by hand, you're a greater man than me. - A good Paslode nail gun and compressor will be the best purchase you ever made. - Avoid two story. This is the one thing I would not do again unless I had help. There's a real difference between putting 4x8 sheathing on a 1st floor and doing that on a 2nd floor. - Water is easy to deal with, but toilet/waste disposal will be the main problem, and when you start talking septic fields, you're often talking permits. I think that the cheapest way to deal with this is design a grey vs. black water system which uses an RV septic tank ($200) and a septic pump ($200 to pipe that away to a well-maintained compost pile. That may not be feasible if there are zoning/permit restrictions. I would do this again in a heartbeat. But no more two-story houses. posted by crapmatic on September 23, 2008 =========================== The couple who built this ( http://coyotecottage.com/cabin/shorthand.htm ) small house put the initial cost of materials at about $6,000, not including land; I think that they've put more money into since the initial build. Building materials have gotten more expensive since then, and they were building in an area with little (or no) oversight — so they avoided a lot of administrative and permitting costs you would have to pay in some other places. They saved big money by not putting in a real foundation; many (if not most) houses around the world are built this way, but it's not optimal in terms of high winds, settling, or other potential problems. But it cuts the cost enormously, so they took the risk. More examples of small houses can be seen here ( http://tinyhouseblog.com /, ranging from cheap DIY to ultra expensive. The difficulty is really pretty low. There are a thousand "build yourself a small house" books out there, a lot of them written during the hippy era. If you can follow step-by-step directions and use basic tools, you will be fine. The planning stages, and taking the care to make things square and level, takes more time and effort than the actual building, which is surprisingly easy. Saying this, I'm assuming you aren't doing something physically hard, like building with stone or logs, or using strange and unusual materials, or getting into really skilled carpentry (like the photos I have seen of Japanese-inspired wood work, for example). But standard construction, the kind where you can buy all your materials off the shelf at your local building supply store, is not hard at all. Even things like electricity and plumbing are well within the reach of the DIYer, if you can be trusted to work slowly, carefully, and triple-check your work. (Check your local regulations on this, though — almost all places allow for owner/builders, but there are exceptions.) There are a lot of trade-offs between cost and efficiency. For example, you can work a lot faster with a compressor and a pneumatic nail gun than you can swinging a hammer, but a good quality compressor and air tools are not cheap. Those same trade-offs happen at almost every step of the process, and there are rarely clear-cut answers. posted by Forktine on September 23, 2008 ================== How difficult would this be to build ourselves? How cheaply could we do it if we both participated in the construction? Could we build it ourselves with a carpenter? How long would it take if we dedicated real time to it? We have some free time, a small budget, and want a space to go chill. If you were in our shoes, how would you do it? Its not difficult. If you can find a couple of other people to help you its possible that you could have the basic structure set up and roofed in a long weekend. The budget items here -- the big budget items here -- that I don't see you mentioning are a) the land itself (which won't be cheap in any area within a decent weekend drive of NYC; b) the septic system; and c) the well. (I'm assuming here you actually mean "in the woods" as in building in an undeveloped area that's not connected to city water or sewage.) The well and the septic system are not things you can do yourself, you will need to hire contractors for this. Here in Maine, not counting the cost of the land, its not unusual to be able to build a very rustic cabin (ie: outhouse instead of septic, rainwater barrel instead of a well) for under $5K. But I stress that would be a very, very rustic solution. The upside is, of course, that you now have a primitive getaway cabin that you can improve slowly as you have the money to do it. posted by anastasiav on September 23, 2008 ====================== I built a 12x14 foot cabin in the woods on a friend's land for about $800. It was a lot of fun and a great experience. The interior was unfinished, there was no real plumbing or electricity and only a camping stove. We scavenged a lot of the materials (metal roofing from an old bar, plywood from a tear-down project) and bought our lumber from a local sawmill (actually slightly more expensive than Lowes for the 2x4s, but they were rough cut and actually 2" by 4"). The living arrangement ended up not working out that well (I don't recommend building on land you don't personally own) so we only lived there for a few months (two people, two cats, two hundred square feet) but in my estimate it could have been finished for full time living with insulation, drywall, 12V electric and a greywater system for $2,000 or less. That would be all you need for a weekend get-a-way to unwind. It really doesn't take anything other than a good head on your shoulders and the patience to work to a small tolerance on a large scale. I had some carpentry experience from building stuff as a teenager but really you can learn everything you need to know from one good book. Like crapmatic said above, avoid high pitch roofs. I am lucky to be alive after nailing the boards, tarpaper and metal on my 50 degree pitched roof. Luckily my sketchy knowledge of knots was never put to the test. That said the roof was really the only place that I needed an extra set of hands, mostly to call 911 if I died and also to help lift the rafters. Country Plans, mentioned by maxwelton above is an invaluable resource. The forum there is full of helpful people all doing exactly what you want to do and eager to help others, either with plans purchased on the site or ones you created yourself. Check out the sub-200 square feet designs -- lots of great ideas. Last week I stayed in a 15x20 cabin that was nicely finished and perfectly sized for a weekend retreat, including a decent sized bathroom and kitchen. The only thing you really need space for is storage, and if you aren't going to be living there full time you don't need to store a ton of stuff. Good luck with your dream! You might want to try the Living Cube panelized design by Lester Walker to get your feet wet and to have a place to stay on your land while you build a more permanent cabin. We talked about the design on Country Plans awhile ago and there is a link to the plans. posted by ChrisHartley on September 23, 2008 ======================= http://littlehouseonthehillside.typepad.com/blog/ - Little House on the Hillside Two people. One house kit. No experience. What could possibly go wrong? ========================== http://www.costowl.com/home-improvement/home-yurt-cost.html - How Much Does A Yurt Cost? What is a Yurt? A yurt is an alternative style of home similar to a teepee in design. But, it’s much more spacious and luxurious. They can range anywhere from 12’ in diameter (114 square feet) to 30’ in diameter (707 square feet). Wooden yurts are most popular, but they can also be made from metal. They can be used as hunting cabins or year-round housing fully equipped with indoor plumbing and electricity. Their benefit is in the cost and ease of construction. A traditional, stick-framed building of similar size of a yurt can take twice as long to build and cost twice as much. Even prefab manufactured homes cannot compete with the price of a yurt. Yurt living can be a welcome change from the ordinary. It’s almost like traveling back in time but with all the amenities of the present. Most people are drawn to its open concept lack of walls and simplicity of design. There are yurt plans out there for everyone, and you can even customize the plans to fit your needs. How Much Can You Expect To Pay For A Yurt? A typical modest yurt can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 to construct. This type of yurt is built for mild climates without snowfall, however. Year-round yurts that can handle winds and snow loads cost closer to $15,000. Large sized yurts can range upwards of $30,000. These prices are just to build a yurt, however. You will need to contact other contractors to install plumbing and electrical systems. Expect to add close to $10,000 for this work to the cost of a yurt. There is a type of yurt available with “tall walls”, that allow you to add a second floor loft to your yurt. It doesn’t change the cost by a large amount, and the tradeoff to have another floor is usually worth it. One problem of yurts is lack of storage space, and a loft is a good answer to that problem. Expect to pay from $2,000 to $5,000 extra for a loft depending on the diameter of your yurt. Used yurts are available for those who do not want to spend money for a brand new one. A large sized yurt can be bought for as little as $15,000. Make sure that the yurt you purchased has been used in a mild climate to avoid potential structural issues from high winds and snow. ============================ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070817172039AAwyTIy I have found the log cabin kit I want, and it's $27,500. It includes the logs, fastners, backer rods, blueprints, and log seal. The cabin and porch total 2,200 square feet. My bf, his dad, and my step-father and a few friends are going to help us build it. Has anyone built their own cabin? Does anyone know if we will have trouble getting a loan to "finish" the cabin? Additional Details I forgot to mention that I live in North Carolina. I have an electrician, brick mason, and an ex-cabin builder all within my family. I'm looking for an estimate more materials wise. I know a place where I can get windows for 1/4 of the typical cost. Also, how much are we gonna have to pay to build a finshed basement? Again, all the work will be done by family members. But, does anyone know how much per square ft range? The basement will be around 2,300 sq feet. Thanks for answer. Thank you Steven for your answer; I appreicate you being blunt. We do own the land, but it's only an acre and a half. We have enough saved to buy the kit now. But we won't even consider building for another year. We don't have the kinda money to finish the cabin. We are afraid the cabin will cost us an additional $50,000-$75,000.The fact that we are 20 and 18 will affect our chances of getting a loan even if we do own the land. We live within 10 minutes of "Mayberry" if that affects anything, and the land has already been leveled and such.

Администратор Eve: How Much Does a House Foundation Cost? - http://home.costhelper.com/house-foundation.html A correctly designed and properly installed foundation holds the weight of the house in place while insulating against the cold, keeping out moisture and resisting the movement of the surrounding earth. There are three basic types: a concrete slab on grade (least expensive); a crawl space foundation with short walls supporting the house; or a full basement foundation (most expensive) with 8'-10' walls. Which type is best for a specific location depends on soil and groundwater conditions. Typical costs: Foundation costs vary significantly by region. Other factors include the thickness and psi (pounds per square inch) rating of the concrete, and the type of steel reinforcement used. Clearing, grading the land and digging may be included or billed separately. See Land Clearing, Land Grading and Excavation. A slab foundation for an average 1,600- to 1,800-square-foot family home might cost about $7,000 -$16,000 or more, while a slab foundation for a 3,000- to 4,500-square-foot home might cost $13,000 -$40,000 or more. Factors that affect the cost include local regulations, whether insulation or termite treatment is included, and if footers are included. (Footers are a foundation's thicker and deeper base; ThisOldHouse.com illustrates a good slab foundation design, including footers). Homeowners on a GardenWeb.com forum, report paying $20,293 plus $950 for excavation for a 2,589-square-foot slab in San Antonio, TX; $42,000 for a 4,400-square-foot slab in San Marcos, TX; and $21,000 for a 2,800-square-foot home plus 3-car garage, patio and porch in Arizona, with expansive soils requiring additional excavation, rebar and concrete. Slab foundations are uncommon in the East and Midwest, and are banned in some areas. A crawl space foundation might cost $8,000 -$21,000 for an average family home, or $15,000 -$50,000 for a larger house. Typically footers are poured along with short walls that support the home; some crawl spaces provide only 16"-18" between the bottom of the floor joists and the soil, while others are tall enough to crouch inside. Build Your Own House explains the pros and cons of a crawl space foundation. A full basement foundation for an average home can cost $13,000 -$30,000 or more, depending on the width and height of the walls, and whether utilities, windows or other features are included. An owner-builder reports spending $790 on excavation, $7,000 to pour concrete footings and foundations, $1,800 for flatwork concrete, $1,000 for sub-rough plumbing and more than $1,000 for windows and window wells, with waterproofing and backfilling (replacing excavated dirt) bringing total costs to about $14,000. The owner of a modular home in Missouri paid $3,000 for excavation work and $15,000 to pour the footer and foundation for 172' of wall 10" thick and 9' high, plus $1,200 for foundation waterproofing, $1,400 for rough-in plumbing, $4,100 for the basement floor (called flatwork), and $1,770 for an I-Beam down the center of the basement, for about $26,500 total. And an Illinois log cabin owner-builder estimates about $17,000 in costs for a 24'x36' basement foundation with 8' walls with the concrete poured professionally but the rest done as a "serious DIY project." Foundation repairs on a typical house with moderate foundation damage can cost $8,000 -$30,000. Replacing the entire foundation on an existing home can require raising the house up from the existing foundation by at least several feet and excavating down to the footers; costs can vary from $20,000 -$100,000 or more. These projects are rarely cost-effective. What should be included: Concrete shouldn't be poured in temperatures lower than 40 degrees or higher 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Installing a typical foundation for a new home can take 2-3 weeks including time for curing the concrete, according to BobVila.com. Foundations with walls must have a wider and thicker base called footers (many slab foundations also have footers), which spread the weight of the building across a wider footprint. In poor soil a footer may be supported by a pier. AskTheBuilder.com provides an overview of foundation footers. Some foundations are constructed with concrete blocks, especially in areas far from a concrete ready-mix plan. Block foundations are less durable than steel-reinforced poured-concrete and are banned in some areas. ThisOldHouse.com compares block and poured concrete foundations. AskTheBuilder.com reviews the types of foundations. Shopping for a house foundation: Get several estimates. Ask for recommendations from local contractors or at nearby hardware and home improvement stores. Ask about the company's experience and equipment. Check references from previous customers and whether the company is properly insured, bonded and licensed; search for any complaints with the Better Business Bureau.

Администратор Eve: Замечательные фото Фэрбенкса начала 20 века http://photolab.elmer.uaf.edu/gallery/panoramas/panofairbanks.html

Администратор Eve: Расовая карта США http://demographics.coopercenter.org/DotMap/index.html Богатые кварталы США http://www.richblockspoorblocks.com/

Администратор Eve: Контактная информация спорт. организаций http://co.fairbanks.ak.us/parksandrecreation/Forms/Sports/Handout.pdf Список спортивных организаций Фэрбенкса http://co.fairbanks.ak.us/parksandrecreation/SportsOrgs/Sports.htm Archery Arctic Fox Jr. Olympic Archery Association Golden North Archery Association King's Nock Archery Pro Shop & Indoor Range Badminton Fairbanks Badminton Club Baseball Alaska Goldpanner's Baseball, Inc. American Legion Baseball Fairbanks Adult Amateur Baseball Interior Baseball League Fairbanks North Star Interior Pony Baseball Basketball Fairbanks Men's Basketball Fairbanks Women's Basketball Association Interior Youth Basketball Canoeing & Kayaking Fairbanks Paddlers Cheerleading Cheerleading of Interior Alaska Climbing Alaskan Alpine Club Curling Fairbanks Curling Club Cycling/Motocross Fairbanks Cycle Club Far North BMX Dance Ballroom Dance Club of Fairbanks Dog Park The Fairbanks Dog Park (located in the South Davis Park) Fly Fishing Midnight Sun Fly Casters Football American Youth Football of Interior Alaska Golf Fairbanks Golf Association Hangliding Fairbanks Hangliding Association Hiking Fairbanks Area Hiking Club Hockey Alaska State Hockey Association Arctic Lions Hockey Association Fairbanks Amateur Hockey Association Fairbanks Ice Dogs Fairbanks Men's Hockey Association Fairbanks Women's Hockey Association Interior Youth Hockey Association Old-timer's Hockey Association Horseback Riding Alaska State Quarter Horse Association Great Alaska Pony Club Interior Alaska Trail Riders Association Mushing Alaska Dog Mushers Association Fairbanks Jr. Dog Mushing Association Two Rivers Dog Mushing Association Running Running Club North Skating Fairbanks Figure Skating Club Skiing Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks Salcha Ski Club Two Rivers Ski Club Skijoring Alaska Skijoring and Pulk Association Snowmaching Fairbanks Snowtravelers Northern Lights Snowmobile Club Soccer Fairbanks Adult (coed) Indoor Soccer Fairbanks Women's Soccer Fairbanks Youth Soccer Association Midnight Sun Soccer Association Women's Indoor Soccer Softball Golden Heart Softball Association Interior Girls Softball & T-Ball Swimming Midnight Sun Swim Team North Pole Aquatic Club Northern Area Aquatics Sting Ray Swim Team Tennis Fairbanks Tennis Association Ultimate Frisbee Fairbanks Ultimate Association Volleyball Fairbanks Volleyball Association Outdoor Volleyball Association Wrestling Interior Youth Wrestling Club

Администратор Eve: Zoning или городское планирование на примере сайта Сан Франциско What is Zoning? Zoning regulations govern how land can be used in various geographic areas of San Francisco called "zoning use districts" (also known as "zoning," "zones" or "use districts"). For example, zoning regulations might * govern sizes and shapes of buildings. * limit the number of units or apartments that can exists on a property. * require the accommodation of car parking off of the street * set controls on planting street trees under certain circumstances. * specify how late a business can remain open at night. For each use of land (also known as "land uses" or "uses") in any given zone, zoning regulations are specified in detail in a legislative policy document called the "San Francisco Planning Code." For each type of use, the Code specifies it's either: Permitted (P), Conditional (C), or Not Permitted (NP). Therefore knowing the zoning of your property will help you understand what's allowed and what specific limits may apply to your residential or commercial project. You can view San Francisco's zones on the official Zoning Map and in Section 201 of the San Francisco Planning Code. Подобная система городского планирования или зонирования используется в большинстве counties (county) США.

Марина Кулькова: Хотелось бы встретиться в Фэрбанксе с композитором Джоном Лютером Адамсом и побеседовать о его проекте "музыка природы". Говорят, что он доступен ( а вдруг ваш сосед?).

Администратор Eve: Марина Кулькова пишет: Хотелось бы встретиться в Фэрбанксе с композитором Джоном Лютером Адамсом и побеседовать о его проекте "музыка природы". Говорят, что он доступен ( а вдруг ваш сосед?). Джон Адамс живет в районе Goldstream Valley в скромном cabin (вероятно рубленная изба), что находится в пределах округа, но в 20 милях от нас. Так что сосед, но не близкий :-). На его персональном сайте есть календарь http://www.johnlutheradams.com/calendar/index.html , в 2015 календарь должен обновиться, пока только 2014. Там же есть адрес для связи с композитором. Лично с ним не знакома, писала о вручении ему премии в прошлом году в газете, так и узнала о нем.

Администратор Eve: Где в США жить хорошо, интерактивная карта http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/26/upshot/where-are-the-hardest-places-to-live-in-the-us.html?WT.mc_id=2015-Q1-KWP-AUD_DEV-0101-0331&WT.mc_ev=click&bicmp=AD&bicmlukp=WT.mc_id&bicmst=1420088400&bicmet=1451624400&ad-keywords=AUDDEVMAR&kwp_0=10851&kwp_4=79882&kwp_1=126241&_r=0&abt=0002&abg=1

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